Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Visual Changes

So we're both new at this blogging adventure, so we decided to make some small visual changes! Now all you have to do is click on one of our names at the top to be redirected to our individual posts!!!


~Amanda & Amy

Friday, June 14, 2013


I'm Amanda! And I'm Amy! and this is OUR BLOG!

Hey All,

So here's the deal. The two of us went to high school together (where we hated each other) and ended up going to the same college (where we fell madly in friend love with each other and have had a pretty awesome time getting obnoxiously close). We are both 20 something college graduates living completely different lives and embarking upon new scary yet exciting journeys. So these posts are just us, trying to figure it all out.

About Amanda

I'm 21, almost 22 and in about 1 month I am making a big move across state lines to go to graduate school for Psychology! This is a super exciting move for me and my boyfriend. I'm hoping this blog will be a look inside my life. Graduate School, potential 'next big step' with my man, and my love for all things cooking and crafting. Enjoy!

Notes from me, Amy

So this is my life, as a single 24 year old, trying to make it in a big city alone just after college. This is me chronicling my choice to be poor in order to have the opportunity to do what I love, while I navigating being a real adult  (learning things like how to do my taxes and balancing my checkbook), and figuring out how to have relationships, when all I do is work. This is just me, uncensored , reflecting and trying to make sense of it all.